# Stylelint

# SCSS support

While SCSS still offers numerous advantages, as we actively work on improving our build time and minimize the number of tools compiling/transpiling frontend code, we choose to move away from Sass and not provide any Stylelint's rules for Sass. If you are still using Sass strictly for nesting, note that native support for nesting is coming soon to CSS.

# Embedding Prettier

Since v15.0.0, Stylelint's stylistic rules has been deprecated. The current recommendation is to use Prettier instead to format CSS files.

For that reason, @workleap/stylelint-configs shared configurations includes the stylelint-prettier plugin. Using this plugin, Prettier changes are exposed as Stylelint's rule violations.

Since we choose to stick with ESLint for JavaScript and JSON stylistic rules, a .prettierignore file must be added at the root of the solution to ignore everything but CSS files:


Otherwise, Prettier will also format your .js,.json,.ts files and you'll end up with conflicts between Prettier and ESLint.

# Getting started

To get started, choose one of the following scenarios 👇

# Setup a new project

If you are looking to setup a new polyrepo solution (single project per repository), follow the guide to setup a polyrepo, otherwise, follow the guide to setup a monorepo.

# Setup an existing project

If you are migrating an existing polyrepo solution (single project per repository) to workleap/web-configs, follow the guide to setup a polyrepo, otherwise, follow the guide to setup a monorepo.

Once configured, to understand how to adapt @workleap/stylelint-configs default configurations to your codebase while you are completing the migration, have a look at the custom configuration page.