# Integrate with VS Code

ESLint VS Code extension greatly improve the development experience by automatically linting the code as you type and automatically formatting the code according to your ESLint configuration whenever you save.

# Install ESLint extension

Open VS Code and install the dbaeumer.vscode-eslint extension.

# Configure VS Code

Then, add the following settings to your solution VS Code settings file:

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll": true, // Makes sure ESLint is run on save
        "source.sortImports": true // Let VS Code handle import sorting, it's snappier and more reliable than ESLint
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "typescript.format.enable": false, // Disables the default formatter to use ESLint instead
    "javascript.format.enable": false, // Disables the default formatter to use ESLint instead
    "json.format.enable": false, // Disables the default formatter to use ESLint instead
    "eslint.validate": [ // Enables YAML files formatting.

# Install EditorConfig extension

Finally, install the EditorConfig.EditorConfig extension.

# Try it 🚀

Restart VS Code, open a JavaScript file, type invalid code (e.g. var x = 0;), then save. The code should have been formatted automatically (e.g. const x = 0;).