# Use environment variables

Environment variables are incredibly useful when working with multiple environments, such as dev, staging, and production, by decoupling configuration from the code. This allows to change an application's behavior without modifying the code itself. A common example is the URLs of dedicated API services, where each environment uses a different URL.

In webpack, environment variables are typically passed from the CLI to the application code using the DefinePlugin and accessed through process.env, e.g. process.env.BASE_API_URL.

While accessing environment variables from process.env works, it has a few downsides:

  • It's not ideal for testing. Tests relying on global variables can inadvertently affect other tests, introducing potential issues that affect test reliability, maintainability, and isolation.
  • It complicates module development in isolation. A modular application shell often makes requests to multiple endpoints, which vary depending on the environment. These endpoints require environment variables to define their URLs. When developing modules in isolation, modules should not provide these environment variables to the shell. Instead, to improve DX, the shell library should manage these environment variables internally.

To replace process.env, Squide provides the EnvironmentVariablesPlugin. This plugin acts as a registry and integrates with the Runtime API, allowing modules to register and retrieve environment variables.

Before this plugin, page components would directly rely on process.env:

import { fetchJson } from "@sample/shared";
import { useSuspenseQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";

export function Page() {
    const { data } = useSuspenseQuery({ queryKey: [`${process.env.baseApiUrl}/getData`], queryFn: () => {
        return fetchJson(`${process.env.baseApiUrl}/getData`);
    } });

    return (

With the EnvironmentVariablesPlugin, a page component can now retrieve the baseApiUrl from Squide's runtime instance by using the useEnvironmentVariable hook:

import { useEnvironmentVariable } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { fetchJson } from "@sample/shared";
import { useSuspenseQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";

export function Page() {
    const baseApiUrl = useEnvironmentVariable("baseApiUrl");

    const { data } = useSuspenseQuery({ queryKey: [`${baseApiUrl}/getData`], queryFn: () => {
        return fetchJson(`${baseApiUrl}/getData`);
    } });

    return (

Let's go through the setup of the plugin and how to handle a few use cases.

# Install the package

First, open an existing Squide application. Then open a terminal at the root of the host application and install the following package:

pnpm add @squide/env-vars
yarn add @squide/env-vars
npm install @squide/env-vars

# Setup the plugin

Then, update the host application boostrapping code to register an instance of the EnvironmentVariablesPlugin with the FireflyRuntime instance:

import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { ConsoleLogger, RuntimeContext, FireflyRuntime, boostrap, type RemoteDefinition } from "@squide/firefly";
import { EnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { App } from "./App.tsx";
import { registerHost } from "./register.tsx";
import { registerShell } from "@sample/shell";

const Remotes: RemoteDefinition[] = [
    { url: name: "remote1" }

const runtime = new FireflyRuntime({
    plugins: [x => new EnvironmentVariablesPlugin(x)],
    loggers: [x => new ConsoleLogger(x)]

await bootstrap(runtime, {
    localModules: [registerShell, registerHost],
    remotes: Remotes

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!);

    <RuntimeContext.Provider value={runtime}>
        <App />

# Module augmentation

Before registering variables, modules must augment the EnvironmentVariables TypeScript interface with the variables they intend to register to ensure type safety and autocompletion.

To do this, first create a types folder:

├── src
├────── register.tsx
├────── Page.tsx
├────── index.tsx
├────── App.tsx
├── types
├────── env-vars.d.ts

Then create an env-vars.d.ts file:

import "@squide/env-vars";

declare module "@squide/env-vars" {
    interface EnvironmentVariables {
        // In the example above, the module only intends to register the `baseApiUrl` environment variable.
        baseApiUrl: string;

Finally, update the module tsconfig.json to include the types folder:

    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/web-application.json",
    "include": ["src", "types"],
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]

If the project contains Typescript files at its root that need to be linted (such as tooling configuration files), consider including all project files instead of specific directories:

    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/web-application.json",
    "include": ["."],
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]

# Register variables

Now, let's register our first variable. We recommend registering environment variables in the module's register function as it's the most logical place to access the runtime instance:

import { PublicRoutes, ProtectedRoutes, type ModuleRegisterFunction, type FireflyRuntime } from "@squide/firefly";
import { getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { HomePage } from "./HomePage.tsx";
import { NotFoundPage } from "./NotFoundPage.tsx";
import { RootLayout } from "./RootLayout.tsx";

function registerEnvironmentVariables(runtime: FireflyRuntime) {
    const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);

    plugin.registerVariable("baseApiUrl", "https://my-domain.com/api");

export const registerHost: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime> = runtime => {

        element: <RootLayout />,
        children: [
            // Placeholders indicating where non hoisted or nested public and protected routes will be rendered.
    }, {
        hoist: true

        path: "*",
        element: <NotFoundPage />

        index: true,
        element: <HomePage />

# Retrieve a variable in React code

Then, retrieve the variables in a new DataPage component using either the useEnvironmentVariable or useEnvironmentVariables hook:

import { useEnvironmentVariable } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { fetchJson } from "@sample/shared";
import { useSuspenseQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";

export function DataPage() {
    const baseApiUrl = useEnvironmentVariable("baseApiUrl");

    const { data } = useSuspenseQuery({ queryKey: [`${baseApiUrl}/getData`], queryFn: () => {
        return fetchJson(`${baseApiUrl}/getData`);
    } });

    return (

Finally, register a route for the component:

import { PublicRoutes, ProtectedRoutes, type ModuleRegisterFunction, type FireflyRuntime } from "@squide/firefly";
import { getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { HomePage } from "./HomePage.tsx";
import { NotFoundPage } from "./NotFoundPage.tsx";
import { DataPage } from "./DataPage.tsx";
import { RootLayout } from "./RootLayout.tsx";

function registerEnvironmentVariables(runtime: FireflyRuntime) {
    const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);

    plugin.registerVariable("baseApiUrl", "https://my-domain.com/api");

export const registerHost: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime> = runtime => {

        element: <RootLayout />,
        children: [
            // Placeholders indicating where non hoisted or nested public and protected routes will be rendered.
    }, {
        hoist: true

        path: "*",
        element: <NotFoundPage />

        index: true,
        element: <HomePage />

        path: "data",
        element: <DataPage />

# Retrieve a variable for MSW handlers

Next, create an MSW handlers for the DataPage component. An handler can retrieve the variables using either the plugin's getVariable or getVariables function:

import type { FireflyRuntime } from "@squide/firefly";
import { getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { http, HttpResponse, type HttpHandler } from "msw";

// Must specify the return type, otherwise we get a TS2742: The inferred type cannot be named without a reference to X. This is likely not portable.
// A type annotation is necessary.
export function getApiHandlers(runtime: FireflyRuntime): HttpHandler[] {
    const apiBaseUrl = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime).getVariable("apiBaseUrl");

    return [
        http.get(`${apiBaseUrl}/getData`, () => {
            return HttpResponse.json({
                "foo": "bar"

Finally, register the new handler:

import { PublicRoutes, ProtectedRoutes, type ModuleRegisterFunction, type FireflyRuntime } from "@squide/firefly";
import { getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { HomePage } from "./HomePage.tsx";
import { NotFoundPage } from "./NotFoundPage.tsx";
import { DataPage } from "./DataPage.tsx";
import { RootLayout } from "./RootLayout.tsx";

function registerEnvironmentVariables(runtime: FireflyRuntime) {
    const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);

    plugin.registerVariable("baseApiUrl", "https://my-domain.com/api");

async function registerRequestHandlers(runtime: FireflyRuntime) {
    if (runtime.isMswEnabled) {
        // Files that includes an import to the "msw" package are included dynamically to prevent adding
        // unused MSW stuff to the application bundles.
        const requestHandlers = (await import("../mocks/api.ts")).getApiHandlers(runtime);


export const registerHost: ModuleRegisterFunction<FireflyRuntime> = async runtime => {

    await registerRequestHandlers(runtime);

        element: <RootLayout />,
        children: [
            // Placeholders indicating where non hoisted or nested public and protected routes will be rendered.
    }, {
        hoist: true

        path: "*",
        element: <NotFoundPage />

        index: true,
        element: <HomePage />

        path: "data",
        element: <DataPage />

# Try it 🚀

Start the application in a development environment using the dev script and navigate to the /data page. The page should render { "foo": "bar" }.

# Troubleshoot issues

If you are experiencing issues with this section of the guide:

  • Open the DevTools console. You'll find a log entry for each registration that occurs (including MSW request handlers) and error messages if something went wrong.
  • Refer to a working example on GitHub.
  • Refer to the troubleshooting page.

# Integrate with tests

If the code under test uses environment variables, the EnvironmentVariablesPlugin can be used to mock these variables.

Considering the following utility hook:

export function useAbsoluteUrl(path: string) {
    const apiBaseUrl = useEnvironmentVariable("apiBaseUrl");

    return `${apiBaseUrl}/${path}`;

You can write the following unit test to mock the value of apiBaseUrl and test the ouput of the useAbsoluteUrl hook:

import { RuntimeContext, FireflyRuntime } from "@squide/firefly";
import { EnvironmentVariablesPlugin, getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react";
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
import { useAbsoluteUrl } from "../src/useAbsoluteUrl.ts";

test("an absolute URL including the API base URL is returned", () => {
    const runtime = new FireflyRuntime({
        plugins: [x => new EnvironmentVariablesPlugin(x)]

    const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);
    plugin.registerVariable("apiBaseUrl", "https://foo.com");

    const { result } = renderHook(() => useAbsoluteUrl("bar"), {
        wrapper: ({ children }: { children?: ReactNode }) => (
            <RuntimeContext.Provider value={runtime}>


# Integrate with stories

Components included in Storybook stories often rely on environment variables. The EnvironmentVariablesPlugin can be used to mock these variables:

import { FireflyRuntime, RuntimeProvider } from "@squide/firefly";
import { EnvironmentVariablesPlugin, getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";
import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";

const runtime = new FireflyRuntime({
    plugins: [x => new EnvironmentVariablesPlugin(x)]

const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);
plugin.registerVariable("apiBaseUrl", "https://foo.com");

const preview: Preview = {
    decorators: [Story => {
        return (
            <RuntimeProvider runtime={runtime}>
                <Story />

export default preview;

# Integrate with libraries

Libraries, such as an application Shell, often need to manage environment variables internally to be portable.

Assuming the host application registers the EnvironmentVariablesPlugin into the runtime, and given the following file structure:

├── src
├────── register.tsx
├── types
├────── env-vars.d.ts

To setup such a library, first, create a registerShell function that accepts an argument indicating the current environment (e.g., dev, staging or production):

import type { ModuleRegisterFunction } from "@squide/firefly";

export type Environment = "dev" | "staging" | "production";

export function registerShell(env: Environment) {
    const register: ModuleRegisterFunction = runtime => {

# Register variables

Then, update the registerShell function to register the apiBaseUrl environment variable based on the provided env argument:

import type { ModuleRegisterFunction } from "@squide/firefly";
import { getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin } from "@squide/env-vars";

export type Environment = "dev" | "staging" | "production";

export interface ShellEnvironmentVariables {
    apiBaseUrl: string;

const DevEnvironmentVariables: ShellEnvironmentVariables = {
    apiBaseUrl: "https://dev.com"

const StagingEnvironmentVariables: ShellEnvironmentVariables = {
    apiBaseUrl: "https://staging.com"

const ProductionEnvironmentVariables: ShellEnvironmentVariables = {
    apiBaseUrl: "https://production.com"

function getEnvironmentVariables(env: Environment): ShellEnvironmentVariables {
    switch (env) {
        case "dev": {
            return DevEnvironmentVariables;
        case "staging": {
            return StagingEnvironmentVariables;
        case "production": {
            return ProductionEnvironmentVariables;
        default: {
            throw new Error(`[shell] Unknown environment "${env}".`);

export function registerShell(env: Environment) {
    const register: ModuleRegisterFunction = runtime => {
        const variables = getEnvironmentVariables(env);

        const plugin = getEnvironmentVariablesPlugin(runtime);

# Module augmentation

Then, augment the EnvironmentVariables TypeScript interface to include the apiBaseUrl variable:

import "@squide/env-vars";

declare module "@squide/env-vars" {
    interface EnvironmentVariables {
        // In the example above, the module only intends to register the `baseApiUrl` environment variable.
        baseApiUrl: string;

Then, update the module tsconfig.json to include the types folder:

    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/web-application.json",
    "include": ["src", "types"],
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]

Finally, when tsc is linting the codebase, it expects every code library that augments the EnvironmentVariables interface to include its typings. To do this, add each code library's types folder to every projects' tsconfig.json file that depends on code libraries:

    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/web-application.json",
    "include": [
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]
    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/library.json",
    "include": [
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]
    "extends": "@workleap/typescript-configs/web-application.json",
    "include": [
    "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"]

# Troubleshoot issues

If you are experiencing issues with this guide:

  • Open the DevTools console. You'll find a log entry for each environment variable registration that occurs and error messages if something went wrong:
    • [squide] The following environment variables has been registered: {...}
  • Refer to a working example on GitHub.
  • Refer to the troubleshooting page.